

Dec 11, 2023

6 hacks to outdoor

Outdoors is safer than indoors when it comes to COVID-19 transmission. This has been one of the golden rules since the start of the pandemic.

"Being outside provides more air flow so the virus is more easily diluted," said Daphne Darmawan, pediatrician at UC Davis Children's Hospital.

But how can you reduce your COVID risk while indoors, if you are around those who are not part of your household? In addition to using the scientifically proven safeguards of masking, testing, hand hygiene, and getting vaccinated and boosted, here is one more tool for your toolbox: improve the ventilation in your home.

Here are 6 hacks to accomplish just that, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Related links

CDC's Interactive Ventilation Tool

(SACRAMENTO) Bring as much fresh air into your home as possible. Filter the air in your home. Add a portable high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) air purifier. Turn on the exhaust fan in your bathroom and kitchen. Use fans to improve air flow. Limit the number of visitors inside your house and limit the time guests spend indoors. Related links Media Contact