

May 03, 2023

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fire Temple [Walkthrough]

Dive into Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom and explore the Fire Temple, a giant puzzle hidden deep underground. Players need to solve tricky puzzles, beat the tough boss, and save the people of Goron City. Players should also be able to effectively use minecarts and fans to move around. Just remember, the Fire Temple is hot, so you’ll need lots of fire protection. Here is how to conquer this challenging adventure easily.

The Fire Temple is a very exciting adventure. Here are some things you need to know:

In addition, we advise you to opt for metal weapons as wooden ones will not withstand the scorching temperatures and will burn away. Notably, the Fire Temple isn't just about combat but also puts your problem-solving skills to the test. The temple's design requires the use of Yunobo's special ability to progress through the puzzle. This unique rolling attack is the key to striking the gongs scattered around the temple, an essential task to unlock the temple's doors.

There are five gongs in the temple, and you have to find and hit all of them.

There are five locks in the Fire Temple. These locks can be released by targeting gongs using Yunobo's Rolling Fireball ability. Here is how we found and unlocked each lock in the game.

In the Fire Temple Tears of the Kingdom,’ the first lock is quite an adventure to unlock. After examining the Zonai terminal in the central chamber, we move southwards and take a left turn to encounter two lava rivers. The first river can be crossed by hopping on stone slates. However, the second river is wider and lacks any such slates.

At this point, we’ll find some Hydrant Zonai devices on our left. Activating them causes water to spray out, which solidifies when it contacts the lava, forming solid platforms. Players can pick up the hydrant and walk across the lava on these newly created platforms to get to the other side. Here are the key steps players need to follow:

After crossing the lava river, we’ll find a minecart on the tracks. Hit the minecart to activate a fan and use Yunobo's ability to trigger the switch placed on the left of the tracks, changing the direction of the minecart track. This will take us to the south room.

In this room, we’ll find a Fire Like, creature players need to defeat. Behind a pillar in the same room, there are more Hydrants. Take a hydrant and take it downwards to the lava. Using it will create more slates, which we will need for the next part. Here's what players need to do next:

Using these slates, players can use the Ultrahand ability to stick these slates together to form a path across to a marbled rock. This rock can then be broken with Yunobo's roll ability. This allows us to access an area with a gong, which Yunobo can hit to unlock the first lock.

In the Fire Temple, players will find that unlocking the second lock involves quite a bit of exploration and puzzle-solving. First, players need to return to the previously used minecart, where we will strike a switch to open the adjacent gate.

Boarding the minecart, we will ride up to the second floor (2F), smashing a boulder en route with Yunobo's help and uncovering a chest filled with 10 arrows. Once we reach the track's end, players trigger a bell-shaped device to turn the minecart around, then climb back in. Here are the key steps we will take:

In the next phase, we will activate the fan before using Yunobo to hit the arrow switch ahead, diverting our course from left to right.

We hop onto a piece of slate, using recall to send it back from where it came, granting access to the other side. After defeating the Flux Construct in the next room and hitting the gong with Yunobo, the second lock is successfully unlocked.

In the mystical Fire Temple, unlocking the third lock involves another series of exploration and puzzle-solving. Players first need to return to the previously utilized minecart and use the Ultrahand to shift its course to the left track.

After boarding the minecart, they must strike a bell with an arrow, leading the minecart to ascend to the third floor (3F). The 3F presents an intricate labyrinth with various alternate paths to discover. Among these, players will find a shorter minecart route in the northwest that leads to a chest holding a Strong Zonai Shield. The key steps here are:

Next, players will find their way to a central room, functioning as the heart of the temple with numerous routes diverging from it. The room is initially occupied by Constructs and littered with Zonai device capsules. After overcoming the Constructs, players will have to gather these capsules.

In the same central room, players can activate a handy shortcut that leads back to the first floor (1F), enabling quick navigation. This room will be revisited several times throughout the temple journey. Key actions in this phase are:

To proceed towards the fourth lock, players can take another route in the central room. Like a complex puzzle, the Fire Temple will keep the players on their toes, challenging them with its intricate design and numerous secrets. The sense of triumph in unlocking the third lock will undoubtedly motivate players to continue their journey in this captivating world.

To unlock the fourth lock in the Fire Temple Tears of the Kingdom, follow these steps:

In the workshop area:

To construct the bridge and reach the fourth gong:

For the final part of the puzzle:

To access the gong chamber:

To unlock the fifth lock in the Fire Temple, follow these steps:

Come back to the chamber, engage with the device, and enter the large room in a dome shape. Use Yunobo's rolling ability to roll up the vertical wall to strike the rock positioned overhead which turns out to be a known foe. From the previous gong, turn backward and proceed to the slight incline to your right.

Enter through the window, paraglide down the vertical shaft to the bottom, and find the final gong. Target the gong, and activate the switch to open the door leading to the inner sanctum. and discover a chest with a Strong Zonaite Longsword.

Congratulations on reaching the boss chamber of the Fire Temple. Now, it's time to face the formidable Marbled Gohma and emerge victorious. With a strategic approach and effective utilization of Yunobo's abilities, you’ll be able to overcome this challenging encounter.

As you enter the battle arena, you’ll notice Marbled Gohma covered in the same marbled rocks encountered throughout the temple. Your primary target will be its legs.

After successfully defeating Marbled Gohma, ascend onto its body and concentrate your attacks on its exposed eye, exploiting its vulnerability. Continuously strike the eye until the boss begins to shake vigorously. When this happens, it's essential to jump off to avoid taking damage.

In the second phase, Marbled Gohma takes to the ceiling, making it necessary to adapt your strategy.

When you successfully hit Marbled Gohma once while it's on the ceiling, it will fall to the ground. Climb up its body and resume your assault on the eye. Repeat this process as Gohma recreates the rock cage and launches three exploding rocks. Remember to charge up Yunobo's ability while the boss is recovering to swiftly break free from the rock cage and continue the attack.

By implementing these strategies and capitalizing on Yunobo's abilities, you will eventually emerge triumphant against Marbled Gohma. Claim your well-deserved Heart Container and witness the transformation of Yunobo into the Sage of Fire.

In Tears of the Kingdom, players face the challenging Fire Temple beneath Goron City. They must navigate lava pools, solve puzzles, and use minecarts to progress. Equipping the Flamebreaker Set from Goron City provides vital heat protection. Yunobo's rolling attack is key to striking gongs that unlock doors. With perseverance and strategic thinking, players can triumph over the Fire Temple and emerge victorious in this thrilling adventure.

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Fire Temple Goron City fire protection Fire Temple minecarts tracks Fire Temple five Gohma. Yunobo Sage of Fire Heart Containers Gorondia five extensive floors Flamebreaker rolling attack five gongs north Zonai Pedestal arsenal of metal weapons chest laden with arrows five locks Zonai terminal Hydrant Zonai hydrant Yunobo's ability Fire Like marbled rock second floor (2F) 10 arrows activate the fan 10 arrows Ultrahand, Ultrahand third floor (3F) Constructs Zonai device capsules first floor (1F) To unlock the fourth lock in the Fire Temple Tears of the Kingdom, follow these steps: third floor (3F) fifth floor (5F), In the workshop area: To construct the bridge and reach the fourth gong: stone slates For the final part of the puzzle: Zonai Hydrant To access the gong chamber: To unlock the fifth lock in the Fire Temple, follow these steps: lock 3 Soldier II Reaper ramp Zonai Pedestal Marbled Gohma boss's legs explosive rocks exposed eye curved walls marbled boulders rock cage Heart Container Yunobo Sage of Fire Fire Temple heat protection Up Next